Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here I Am. Back to College.

So, I had to post one more time before the month of August ends. I can't believe it will be September in about 10 minutes, give or take the time it takes me to post this.

First things first, I love it at State College. It is absolutely incredible, and I have had the chance to meet some really awesome people. My classes aren't too bad yet. Hopefully they stay that way. I absolutely adore my Arch 130a class - even though it is a 3 hour studio class three days a week, it is sooooooooooo much fun. I will have to show a pic of some of the things I am doing. I like my AE class, which is my Architectural Engineering class.

"Penn State Architectural Engineering - Where else can Moses lead you to the promise land?"

Our main professor is named Moses Ling, ergo the amazing line above. I like my Math 231 or Calc 3 aka calculus of multi-variables. My teacher is awesome. She makes it fun. Math 220 or matrices is ok - the TA teaching the class is slightly awkward, but he isn't bad. I like both my Statics recitation and lecture. My lecture professor is so funny and upbeat - just what statics needs.

I have met some truly awesome fellow AE's... Chris, Adam, Alyssa, Macenzie, Angela, Lowell, Chelsea, Nate, plus others whom I cannot remember their names... lol Most of them are transfers from Altoona aka Toon Town aka Tuna Fish aka Altoids... They are c-razy!

I am writing on my schedule to blog tomorrow about what I need to write from earlier in the summer. And tell you about what I've done here. In fact, I just wrote it on my calendar. So now I have to do it. =)

That's all for August. See you next month!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you wrote about your schedule. It sounds awful to me but I'm SUPER glad you're enjoying it. Have your opinions changed since you wrote this? You also sound like you've adapted so well to state college. Any things in particular that are better or worse in comparison with Behrend?
