Thursday, September 2, 2010

Biff 90210

This post is dedicated to one of my best friends, ANGELA!!!!!


I love her. She is so inspiring... And that's about it. Just kidding, she is really amazing, and she touches my life everyday. I am so blessed to have her in my life. My year at Behrend wouldn't have been nearly as awesome if I hadn't met her. And I will update this post tomorrow, as I have homework to do tonight. But she made me post today because I would have an awesome title..... =)

And when I get back, I will talk all about her, when I came up to visit her, and Kennywood - so watch out.

Love you Angela!!!!!


Edit: So I am back. I was in the process of editing this last night, but my  internet connection kept going in and out. So it wouldn't publish of save. So I am doing it now!

I can't tell you about most of the things that I love Angela for, since some are private and between her and I, and others are too long to type out. But even though our friendship has its flaws, and sometimes one of us gets mad at the other, we are still amazing friends. I miss her everyday, so it is a good thing we text all the time, we call each other when we are walking in the dark for comfort, and we have skype dates to see each other.

One of the biggest reasons I love Angela is her willingness to put other people's feelings ahead of her own. Even when she is depressed or sad, she still does not want to hurt me. In doing so, she often pushes people away that mean a lot to her, but I know she just doesn't want to see them suffer. I am so glad everyday that I know her and that she cares about me to push me away, but I am even more glad that she pulls me back in.

If you know her, you will be blessed. She is so fun to be with, and even puts up with some of my annoying quirks. She knows everything about me, and I know everything about her. There are no secrets between us. She knows just what to say to make me cry, though always in the good way. She has become a role model to me, with her never ending perseverance and love. I know she doesn't always think of her as this amazing Godly  woman I know her to be, but she is.

I know she will read this and probably cry, but it is how I truly feel. I love you Ang!


1 comment:

  1. I can't help it, I'm not Angela, but you are such a sweetheart (and I am a creeper). I'm really glad you have such a close connection to her, and I'm really really sad you can't see her everyday at school anymore. That must be awful, but you sound like you're doing a good job keeping in touch with her. That's so important. Keep it up. And if Angela's reading this, you're so lucky to have Krissy as a friend, just like she is to have you as a friend. :)
