Thursday, October 28, 2010

I guess I can breathe right now.

Woo. In, out. In, out. Woo...

I can't believe I am way more than half of the semester done. Crazy, isn't it? One minute, and it is gone!

I am glad I am busy though. I have been having a blast (for the most part) with my classes. As much as AE infuriates me, it is a really fun class. Moses is crazy though. He always has projects due right around when he gives us exams. Is he trying to kill us? Maybe. Is he trying to weed out those who can't handle it? Most def.

Arch is also awesome. Except for the fact that we have been modeling for the past few weeks. And by few weeks, I mean every single week this ENTIRE semester. No joke. We occasionally take a day or two off and we go out and draw. Then when we come back, he calls our drawings "elementary" and we will never be able to impress clients with our skills. Thanks. And I would like to thank you Rob for teaching us every moment you can. And that's only when you haven't been putting "quarters in the car". I appreciate that. (Note, for those of you who don't know sarcasm when you see it. That was it. =) )

Matrices is ok. Jeffy isn't a bad teacher. He just likes to ramble. And he's a bit socially awkward. It's kinda hilarious. Matrices isn't hard, I just mainly have to teach it myself. But I don't mind. At least I can understand him during class. Which, as I found out, isn't that common. So I consider myself lucky.

I absolutely LOVE my calc teacher! Alli is like, the best TA ever! She is awesome, can teach, and I understand her. Plus, she always wears the cutest outfits. And she gave me Play-dough. What isn't there to like? And Calc 3 is much easier than 2. Which is fantastic. We just started partial derivatives, which are super easy. Thank you Mr. Andy George for explaining how to do them last semester!

Statics is just statics. Not really hard, though some of the problems can be tricky. =/ Oh well. I do like my TA, Anna. She's pretty awesome. And she's from OHIO! Which is like a rarity in PA. Prof Masters is cool. She likes to use big props. Which is good if you sit in the back. Which I don't. They are slight overkill when you sit in the 2nd row. Oh well, it is still cool.

Last, and least, is Physics. Lecture doesn't help any, the tests aren't like the HW (thank goodness!), or the labs, or recitation. Thank goodness for practice exams! And that's about it for that class.

Other than classes, work has been ok. I've been pretty steady. I pick up shifts when I can. That means I am working Saturday night, and Sunday morning. So no parties for me. =(

Ok, I need to go and work on Statics hw. And my drawing for Arch.... Blah...

It was good catching up a bit. Till later!


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