Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15: First “Chapter Book” You Can Remember Reading As a Child

Now, I have no idea if this is actually accurate, but I do believe I picked the first, or one of the first chapter books I read on my own. And I do love this book. So, bringing back memories of my childhood is:

"Amelia Bedelia" by Peggy Parish.

When, on her first day as the Rogers's maid, Amelia Bedelia follows directions to dust the furniture, she applies a coat of dusting powder to it, and by the time she "draws" the drapes, children will giggle over her silly mistakes. This classic about the housekeeper who follows her chore list literally features cartoon like illustrations that are simple and charming.

    I also wished I had a maid like Amelia Bedelia. She seems like an awesome person. She may get confused a little, but she doesn't care. She is also oh so very sweet!


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