Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 17: Shortest Book You’ve Read

This book was a lot easier to find. I used to read this book all the time when I was little. It is such a short book, only 13 pages, but it is a classic. So, the shortest book I have read is:

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.

The book starts with an egg on a leaf. The tiny caterpillar emerges and looks for food. On consecutive days, the caterpillar eats through a single red apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries, and five oranges, which takes us from Monday to Friday. Saturday: the caterpillar eats its way through many different foods: chocolate cake, ice-cream, a pickle, Swiss cheese, salami, a lollipop, a cherry pie, a sausage, a cupcake, and a slice of watermelon. The caterpillar develops a 'tummy ache' as a result of eating all this food. Sunday: the caterpillar eats through a single leaf, which makes the caterpillar feel better. The now big caterpillar forms a 'cocoon'. On the final pages the caterpillar is now a 'beautiful' butterfly.

     I think the summary was longer than the actual book. But nonetheless, if you have not read this book, it really is a classic that everyone must read. In fact, it is over 40 years old and was inspired by a hole puncher.


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