Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1

Well, I decided to start a blog. I am not looking to change the world, just express my thoughts.

Hi. My name is Kristin. I am starting my sophomore year at Penn State in Architectural Engineering. You'll get to know me as time goes on.

I decided to start a blog after watching the movie "Julie & Julia". Not very original, but I like it. I doubt anyone is going to read my blog, but you never know. I just want to put down my thoughts and feelings somewhere.

I am deciding on what I am specifically going to talk about. My days are fairly uneventful, though I will have some interesting tales to share. I will probably talk about some memories of mine, my friends, undoubtedly, along as my tales from school.

I might talk about a book I am reading, or something funny that happened. I am not here to impress anybody, but to have fun.

So, with that being said - here is my first post. Nothing too exciting or special, but fun for me.

If you are reading this, thanks. I hope you'll enjoy my random thoughts.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Krissy. I'm enjoying reading inside your mind. I also think you're a good writer; everything you've written so far has been pretty eloquent and not boring!

    Julia Child went to Smith, too. I love that fact.
