Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 28 - A Picture of Something You're Afraid Of

Fire, specifically unplanned fires. I absolutely hate them! I will literally get nightmares from them. Which is ironic, since I picked fire as my inspiration for my Studio project. I think fire is beautiful, but terrifying. Like a polar bear. Home fires are the worst, followed by forest fires. I have had many experiences with things burning down, or catching on fire, but luckily never my home. In Raleigh, our church caught on fire. In Seattle, out middle school kitchen caught on fire. In Erie, our dinning hall Dobbins caught on fire. In State College, Simmons did catch on fire, but it was nothing serious, only having to wake up at 7 to go outside when I had a 102 degree fever. And no, it was not me that set it. I have learned a lot about fire, and fire prevention, but it still scares me so much. I can't even watch the live action version of "The Secret Garden" because there is a scene where they burn the main character's doll because of the plague. So terrifying. I honestly don't know what I would do if my house caught on fire. It is also ironic that I work for a candle store.... That place would be awful if it went up in flames, especially since it is a very old building... So that's what I am afraid of. That and falling from heights.


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